Wednesday, March 28, 2012

End of the World.

   According to the calendar - the lack of the Mayan calendar, the world is to end on December 21 of this year.  This year has been a hectic one, and we are only in the third month. 2012 started with the death of a very important man in our community, and number of notable deaths, publicized natural disasters, crazies, and even house fires have only risen since then.  This could possibly be the last year of this world, or it could be the start of many (seven) deathly years to follow.
   After hearing that one of my elementary teachers died at a young age, I asked my father, jokingly, "What if this the world is really gonna end this year?" 
   He wisely replied, as always "Now is there anything you can do about that?"
   I smiled and told him I was only joking, knowing that if the world, as we know it, really will come to an end this year, there is absolutely NOTHING we can do about it.
   We all know that there will be an end to this world, because in everything there is a beginning and an end; even God claims to be the beginning and the end.  There is no hiding from the fact that there WILL be an end.  We have to face our future and push on.  Life is about facing the things we are fearful of.  
  As a wise man once told me, "There are things in your control and there are things out of your control.  If you control the things that are in your control, you will be fine; because there is nothing you can do about the things that are out of your control."
Keep fighting the good fight. KenHerr forever in our hearts.
We know where you are now, and one day, we hope to be reunited with you and all our other family members who have fought the good fight, and finished the race. 

Why are people so worried anyways? Is there ANYTHING in your power that can stop this world from ending? Then why worry, why care when it ends? because the ending will come, whether you want it to or not.
Just make sure you are set with your future after your physical-human world ends.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Attitude Matters.

  Have you ever met that one person in a group that always seems to have the negative attitude; and everyone around that person HATES that negative attitude? There is someone like that in all of our lives. We always will have to put up with that negative person.  As positives, we are called to help that person out with their problem and help them become a better, more positive person.

"Accent your positive and delete your negative."

"Adopting the right attitude can convert a negative stress into a positive one."

Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Verdicts of Judging Others.

  Ever hear someone say, "Don't judge me!" or "It isn't your place to judge me,"? I am sure everyone has heard someone get angry due to someone "judging" them. 
  Although the bible says that only the Lord may judge, judging is apart of life; it is apart of making decisions for one's self. Judging other people on the way they dress or the way they look may not always be considered as the right thing to do, but one would be a hypocrite in saying that they have never done it before. Judging may not be the "right" thing to do, but more or less, we ALL do it.
  Most of the time, when one says "Don't judge me," it is after they have done something they know is wrong. I over heard one person say "You shouldn't judge others."  When someone does not want to be judged, it is normally because they either know they are wrong, or because they are insecure about themselves. Who likes being told they are doing wrong?  But, if one knows that they are doing the wrong thing, and are being judged, it should not bother that person.  I know that personally I do not mind what others say, or how others "judge" me.  To me, God's opinion is the only one that matters, when, indeed, it comes to judgements.
  We must keep in mind that others judgements are not always a bad thing.  Through communication and the "judgement" factor, people who are sinning can be convicted through the Holy Spirit.  If someone is doing wrong, and no one ever calls them out on it, nine out of ten time, they won't change their ways. 
  Judging, in some cases, can be a rude and obnoxious thing, but, it can also be used toward the Glory of God.  So next time someone judges you, look at your heart and examine it.  If you are doing something wrong, it is good that it bothered you; and CHANGE.  If you are doing everything right, shake it off, and keep on doing what is right.

 "Before the throne of the Almighty, man will be judged not by his acts but by his intentions. For God alone reads our hearts."

"Everyone's projecting onto you, or you feel like everyone is judging you. I feel like I'm being judged a lot of the time. You become really self-conscious."

Friday, March 2, 2012

And among these are LOVE.

  There are many "non-people" persons out there; meaning those people rather spend time by themselves than in large groups.  I would happen to one of those people; not that I do not enjoy others company, sometimes I just rather spend time with myself.  But, doesn't one ever wonder why other people were made.
  Think of it this way: You are the only one living in this world.  You can do whatever you want and have whatever you want.  But is it all worth it? Who can you share your possessions with?  Who do you boast to? And more importantly, who do you try to out do?  Too bad you cannot do any of these things.  Although most of us, at one point, wish we could live on this world by ourselves, we all have to admit that other people are essential for us to live.  Through other people, we aspire to be better; we try to climb those ropes to outdo each other.  Through our enemies we aim for something beyond us. Through friends and family, we learn how to be somebody; and, the people close to our hearts can help us over come tragedies.
  All this said, one of the most important things to do is love one another. My latest tragedy has brought me closer to my family; and I have learned that the only way to get through tough things is to have someone walking with you though it.  Its not always them knowing what you are going through that matters, but knowing that they care.
  God created love, and through other people, love is shown.  The only way to get through life, with all wounds healed, is through the love of God shown through other people.  If it weren't for love, all our wounds would still be open, and would never heal.

The family.  We were a strange little band of characters trudging through life sharing diseases and toothpaste, coveting one another's desserts, hiding shampoo, borrowing money, locking each other out of our rooms, inflicting pain and kissing to heal it in the same instant, loving, laughing, defending, and trying to figure out the common thread that bound us all together.  ~Erma Bombeck

When you look at your life, the greatest happinesses are family happinesses.  ~Joyce Brothers