Sunday, June 10, 2012

Saving lives? Or saving your own selfish life?

 I know a huge controversial subject is that of abortion.  Many who support "Pro-Choice" get very defensive when this subject is brought up; but so do those who support "Pro-Life." Many say that it is better to believe in the wrong thing than not to believe in anything at all.  In this case, it is better to not believe in anything at all. 

  There are thousands of scenarios that lead to mothers wanting to get rid of their child; whether it be sixteen and pregnant, or a mother who just does not want to have another child, there are also thousands of ways to "get rid" of the child while avoiding death/murder, or abortion.  In the beginning, God set rules that, in turn, would avoid unwanted pregnancies: staying pure till marriage, and then planning a family; the way God intended it to be.  Many believe that the mother is the one who got pregnant, so it is her choice to abort the baby (or whatever you call the theoretically living thing inside a woman's womb); and, unfortunately, the baby has no say in what the mother decides to do.

  There is a reason for everything, even though you may not think it now. I'm sure if those who support "Pro-Choice" were to look at abortions like the picture below depicts, we would all have a different view. 

 There could be many other accomplishments that these aborted babies could have accomplished. But since they are gone and NEVER to return, since they were never even given a chance, we will never know what this world could have been with them.

Of course, I cannot change one's opinion, and I certainly cannot change the world's mind, for I am only one person! But truth is truth. No one can change the truth, because if they could, then it would not be truth to begin with.  Truth cannot be altered from mind to mind, heart to heart.  Truth stays the same, God stays the same.  If He were as bipolar as some people are, then we would not have someone reliable to put our hopes in.  God said murder is a sin; it has not changed since he stated that.  Life start before the baby is born, and there is plenty of evidence for support-- they have emotions just like us humans do outside of the womb. 

In the end, only God knows when life starts. But are you willing to take that chance and be accountable for that baby's life.  Because once you kill that baby, it no longer belongs to you, it belongs to God.

They cry out and ask why; and, is it worth it?