Friday, December 7, 2012

Speak Up. Speak Out.

Why do we as Christians need to give a reason for our beliefs?

Writing research papers are never fun; some decided to pull an “all-nighter” to get the job done as close to the due date as possible.  The reason why research papers must require large amounts of time dedication is because the conclusion the author is reaching requires proof; truth.  In order for Christians to make the faith their own, they must search for proof, not just to defend their faith against others, but for them to become steadfast in their own beliefs. Do not treat prophecies with contempt, but test everything; hold fast what is good." 1 Thessalonians 5:20-21
Christians are instructed by the Lord to give a reason for their beliefs; explain to others why they believe what we believe, with love and compassion.  “But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.” 1 Peter 3:15  Many Christians force their beliefs on others, and, when defending their faith, are rude and lack the compassionate character which is mandatory when sharing the faith; the character of a Christian sharing their faith can possibly “scare” others away from the faith.  God puts the words “gentleness and respect” in this verse for a reason.  Jesus was gentle and respected others, and that is how he won so many hearts over; his attitude was part of his mission.
Reasons for beliefs do not just help one share the faith, but also keep it.  After a couple weeks in Mr. Duffy’s apologetics class, I can see my faith, already, becoming stronger.  The sad truth is many American-made teenage Christians lose their faith upon entering a liberal college; they do not know how to answer these seemingly hard question about their faith, when, in reality, these “hard” questions are nothing more than a simple answer.  One of the main reasons I decided to attend these classes is because I do not want to be apart of the large percentage of those who “lose their faith.” 
I never really had a reason for my beliefs; to be honest, my reason was because it was the only thing I knew, growing up in a Christian household, and knowing nothing but Christian values.  But, learning these reasons why we believe certain things is helping me become closer to God, and grabbing more of my attention, consequently making me more interested.  We need to give reasons to prove to ourselves, and to others, Christianity is truth.

Interested in Christianity? Visit my mission trip blog to see what my senior class has been doing and is doing to be ready for our mission trip SOON!