Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Any Alernatives for the Helpless Citizens?

Every week, in the life of Elizabeth, she must write a Bible journal on the topic the teacher gives her. This week's topic is in bold. She thought this paper was so good, she JUST had to share it!
For all those who DON'T believe in the bible, I will just have to save that post for another time! Thank God for APOLOGETICS class!
What is your opinion on the fact that Medicare (Obamacare) endorses pro-abortion and that you are required to give money even if you are morally against it?

People commit sins every day, and sometimes knowing their sin is a sin does not stop them from doing so.  The current federal American government has too much control over its people, when the state should be in more control; but politics is not the subject of this paper.  Pro-choice, pro-abortion, pro-death, whatever you call it, is wrong, and requiring people to do things against their morals is also wrong; but we still do it.
The first step in proving abortion wrong is proving abortion is killing, murdering.  If asked, every sane person will reply "yes" to the following question: "Was it wrong for Hitler to murder the Jews and other human beings during the Holocaust?"  Every person is born with a "moral meter," Christian or not.  Possible responses from the question "Is abortion murder?" are as follows: "A fetus is not a human until its first breath," "Since a fetus is not technically a human, abortion is not technically murder."  There are many unclear definitions of when life begins and when life ends.  To be alive, in human terms, is to possess a spirit in a body.  "A body without a spirit was dead; a spirit without a body was incomplete.  There was never one without the other, and they rightly belonged together." (JPH)  One comes to life when God breathed life into him (Genesis 2:7); many believe this verse only pertains to Adam and Eve, since a fetus cannot "breathe," but when God breathed life into Adam, he breathed a spirit into a human body, giving him life.  On the contrary, death is also a very trivial matter that God makes clear; to be absent from the body is to be with the Lord (2 Corinthians 5:6-8; Philippians 1:23).  This clears the definition of life and death, but the actual time when life and death happens is still trivial to the outside human; only God can know the exact time of start and end.
Many people twist the words in the Bible to accompany their beliefs and morals.  Hosea 9:14 states: "Give them, Lord—what will you give them? Give them wombs that miscarry and breasts that are dry."  When reading in context, the reader must look to the verses before and after to understand exactly what the Bible is trying to communicate.  If read is continued to Hosea 9:15-16, the reader will read: "I will drive them from my land because of their evil actions.  I will love them no more because all their leaders are rebels. The people of Israel are struck down. Their roots are dried up, and they will bear no more fruit.  And if they give birth, I will slaughter their beloved children."  In our modern time period, with 93% of abortions being out of pregnancy inconveniences, being pregnant and the actual baby is a punishment;  many women go through abortions to have their burden released.  In the context of Hosea, God is causing miscarriages out of a punishment, referring to the babies as "beloved children."  In modern context, the lift of a burden is, in Hosea context, a punishment.  The use of Exodus 21:22-25 may also be used as a "proof" God condones abortions.  Some translations of the bible may interchangeable use the word "miscarriages" and "premature" birth; this is wrong.  In the New King James Version and the New International Version, there is no mention of the child in the womb being miscarried.  When verse twenty-thee states, "But if any harm follows. . ." it is referring to the fetus, baby.  " . . . give life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot,  burn for burn, wound for wound, stripe for stripe."
There are many solutions to giving birth to an unwanted baby; what is the point in killing the child anyways?  A good point brought up in a bible class is as follows: "adoptions can lead to abusing family situations."  Although this may be true, there is a percentage of chance the child will end up in a good home.  But, if the child is killed in the womb, there is a 0% chance of the child being adopted into a good home.  Hitler declared Jews as non-humans through his murderous ways; pro-choice calls babies the same thing: non-human.
Many of the government's policies and ways of governing are wrong, such as stealing from the wealthy and giving it to those "less fortunate," those too lazy to work.  Being required to do something, even though it goes against our moral principles, is still wrong.   In order to change tis we must be the chage we wish to seek in the world.  This is what God calls Christians to do. "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will." (1 John 2:15) “But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people; that you should show forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.” (1 Peter 2:9)
There are those who are pro-life, those who are pro-choice, and those who wish their mothers had been pro-choice because of how much their life sucks.  But why kill a child before they have had the chance to do their part and change the world.  Sadly, many people could care less for the people around them, including themselves.  Remember: Every pro-choice human was born.

JPH. "Abortion and the Bible." Tekton. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Nov. 2012. .

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Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.