Tuesday, April 3, 2012

A Different Stoke for a Different Folk.

The definition of an idiot is a person who does the same thing over and over again and expects a different result; so when one thing fails, why wouldn’t you try it a different way? In most ways, this may be true, but for others, like online dating, may be different.  Someone may fail multiple times while trying to find their “other half”, so they submit themselves to a thing called “online dating,” or this “online dating” may be the result of something different.  Online dating, when used in the right way, can turn out positive; but, when one is sucked in, it may take years of healing for one to truly forget the memories of the past.
There are many online sites, such as eharmony, that were created for singles to find their “soul mate.”  Many have different opinions on whether one should date online or not.  The couples on the eharmony commercials always seem to have a spark in their love for each other; but we must remember that every commercial is positive about their product.  Of course these dating sites may have good outcomes for some folks, but I would never commit to a dating site and pay money for something that I could do myself for free.  Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with these sites, and I personally know people who have used them, but using certain sites are at users discretion. For some, online dating can be a forte, and, in this way, it can be a very positive resource when positive outcomes come out.
There is also another way to date online.  This can be by joining a site online and “meeting” a person who sparks an interest in you.  One can call that “dating” if you want, but then it corrupts the whole definition of dating.  Of course, technology has come far, and one should take advantage of it, but should one take advantage of it like this? Is this moral?  One can cyber-talk to this person all they want, but can they be sure that what this person says is the truth? Can one truly “fall in love” with someone we have never physically met?  Of course one may say, "Well, I thought the same thing, until I was put in a situation like that," or "You cannot judge me when you have never been through a similar situation."  I am not implying that dating involves the other person's looks.  Of course, when dating through the internet, the looks of a person are not important, normally.  But with anything, once involved in something once, you can be addicted to it for life; including online dating.
Although many people live this lifestyle every day, we must consider the cons for these situations.  As Christians, we must realize how God created others to interact.  This can be a very debatable thing, but does one really ever know who the other person is behind that computer screen?  Although that may only be applicable for certain situations, we then must ask another question.  What is that other person doing in his/her life that we do not know about? Do we honestly know everything that we need to know?

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Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.