Monday, April 23, 2012

A Mark Worth a Thousand Words

In some cases, appearance can mean nothing; but in many of the most important cases, appearance means everything. Going in for job interviews, people typically dress up to appear professional;”Dress to impress” is the cliché. One wants to impress to get the job; implying that the one who is hiring is judging this applique on not just his knowledge and personality but also on appearance. Tattoos fall under appearance; anything written on one’s body is there for the whole world to see, for the most part, permanently.

There are more cons to tattoos than pros. Many young people enjoy tattoos because it is “art” on your body; it’s different. These people wonder why others and judge based on appearance; and, wonder why people give into stereotyping others. Although stereotyping is looked at negatively, most people involuntarily do it, and these stereotypes aren’t always false. One can tell another to not “judge” all they want, but both parties will still do it; it’s a part of human nature. Remember, no matter where one goes, there are always people watching, and observing, if not your actions, then you, your appearance.

​The tattoo that I would choose has a meaning that contradicts tattoos all together. Away from the fact of stereotyping, we, as Christians, have to remember that many judge on appearance. Many judge on the fact that you have a tattoo, not what the design is. No matter what religion we fall under, all must remember that the way we present ourselves, including words, actions, and appearance, is also the way we represent what we believe. Of course there may be tons of sweet people who have a load of tattoos; but, not everyone has the same perception. One may be turned off due to the fact of one having a tattoo, and not even want to get to know the person.

​Contrary to the previous statements, I have no problem with a small tattoo in a place that is easily covered-up. Although I won’t ever get a tattoo, I like to entertain that if I did, I would either get a cross, a flower, or a bible verse. There are many bible verses that I can relate back to my life, and theses verses tell more of a story than a tattoo ever could. Every person has a story, but it is up to the individual to write it on their bodies and show it to the world, or not.

​Tattoos do tell stories, but they can also give a negative appearance. Just like one must watch what they say, watch what you put under your skin, because just like every decision, you can’t click an undo button and have it go back to exactly like it was before.

 "My tattoo is that I don’t have a tattoo."

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Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.