Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A Powerful Pastime: A Book Review.

  Lately, I have enjoyed to spend my free time, when I have any, reading.  Any type of reading is good for the mind and the soul. I rather read fiction than non-fiction any day, because it gives me a chance to escape from normal, everyday life, and explore, through mental images, different worlds and scenarios.

  One id the most recent and my most favorite books I have read is titled Shatter Me, written by Tahereh Mafi. This is not your everyday love story.  The main character, Juliet, has a condition which restricts her from being in contact with others.  The story begins with Juliette telling the readers of her life in this prison she must stay in, so she does not come in contact with other humans. Then a boy, she hardly remembers, enters and becomes her cell mate.  The plot line starts off slow, and then adventure and thrill gets the reader involved.  Mafi's choice of words and imagery make the reader feel like he/she is really inside the story, experiencing everything with Juliette. 
   I don't want to summarize the book because I would ruin the book. GO READ IT YOURSELF!

  To my surprise, there is a second book coming out sometime next year.  If it is anywhere as good as Shatter Me was, I cannot wait to read it.

"My touch is Power."

Here are a list of other books you may enjoy if you have read Shatter Me and liked it!
And don't forget, Unravel Me is coming out soon!


1 comment:

  1. I LOVE THOSE BOOOOKSSSS!!!!!!:DD Adam, Four, Peeta, and Gale---who could live without themm?;D


Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.