Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Senior Year Drag.

  Start of something new? Yes, it takes time to get used to.  I enjoy change very much, but the start of high stress and tough workload do not always begin well for me.  It takes me plenty of time to get used to the new groove of things.
  College is not far away, and I am trying to ready myself for a big change in life.  Sometimes it is hard for me to realize that I am growing up.  Just yesterday, I concluded I hate senior year because it is so different from Junior year; a lot of my friends check out before lunch, leaving very few of my friends to hang out with me at lunch = I miss my friends eating lunch with me.  Senior year is very different, but I am very glad it is preparing me for my future life.

Sorry for not posting yesterday! I have been so busy lately!

Monday, August 13, 2012

How to look HOT after summer.

  Summer is about over, especially for me.  
  School is in.  And that means there is no more "hot body" showing, for all time is now dedicated to school.  But there is one question most girls ask after the summer season: How can I look hot with clothes on?
  The answer is EASY.
  Makeup and hairspray ARE NOT the answer. What people look like on the outside of their bodies does not always correspond with what is on the inside of their souls.  The girl you are falling "in love" with, or the cute boy you cannot seem to get your mind off of may have the dirtiest soul.  The outside is not what matters, the inside is.
  Aside from that, a good way to have a great year is to be confident, not proud, and positive, not negative.  Every one looks better when they wear a smile, and a positive environment always is more beneficial then a negative one.

  When a senior year begins, the excitement and anxiety can build up; I would know.  Life consists of filling out college applications, scholarships applications, doing well in high school, and trying to win states for volleyball.  The stress and anxiety can take a toll on almost anyone, especially a high school senior.  Worrying is something most people are good at, I am not an exception.  It does get very hard, sometimes, to remember to give the worries over to God and trust in his plan.  

The seed that fell among thorns stands for those who hear, but as they go on their way they are choked by life’s worries, riches and pleasures, and they do not mature. Luke 8:14
“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? Matthew 6:25-27
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matthew 6:34

Worrying accomplishes nothing; although I am very aware of this, I still fall into this detrimental habit many a time.  The best way to stop from worrying is to pray to God, and ask him to help you will your worries. Life is full of worries, but they are what we must overcome.

You cannot control anyone but yourself.  Control what you can control, and leave the rest to God.  Trusting Him is the best idea you will ever have.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

UnHealthy, But SOOO Good.

  Lately I have been all about healthy foods, but this select recipe is to DIE FOR.  I paused my diet in order to munch down on this dip.
  Where did I find it, surfing pinterest, of course! 

  This dip is infused with snickers candies, and once you chill it over night (or just 3-4 hours) all the flavors will have mixed, and it will be even more rich than when you made it!  
  What to dip in it? Well, for Father's Day this past year, this is what my sister and I gave to my dad, with "Happy Fathers Day" homemade flags stuck in mini-snickers candies.  We looked through the pantry to find something that would go good with this dessert.  We found 'Nilla Wafers, and little sugar cookies go great with this dip; but my personal favorite is pretzels with the snickers dip.  
  Sometimes is it better to not make it at all than to make it. This is a dessert that can tempt almost anyone out of their skinny body!

  Ingredients for a Full-Sized Snickers Dip (If you want a smaller batch, just half ingredients):

* 2 (8 ounce) packages of cream cheese, softened
* 1 (8 ounce) Cool Whip
* 1/4 cup brown sugar
* 6 Snickers bars, chopped

Adding whipped topping and some shredded chocolate on the top (like in the picture) adds more attractive-ness to the appearance, as if the smell is not enough to entice you!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Never be Afraid to do More.

  "Jump higher!" a volleyball teammate said to the other.
  "I am so tired, and it is just too much work!" the out of breath player stated.

  Many people do not want to work hard, when every thing good in life is earned with hard work; they just expected to be handed what they want.  This, in out modern-time government, is very true, but in the end, laziness WILL NOT pay off.
  "Do not ask God for and easy life, ask him for strength to endure a hard one."  In the bible, all the important and successful people God used for his purpose were put through tests they had to overcome.  Mary, the mother of Jesus, had to overcome so many people believing her child was illegitimate.  Samson had to overcome his life-ending choice, but he ended his life in a Godly way.  Paul overcame his anti-Christian lifestyle, and was arguably one of the best disciples, ever.  These God-followers accomplished a lot, but it was only possible through hard work, which they were willing to endure the physical and spiritual pain along with it.
  The stories above seem to have nothing to do with a sport, but they very much do.  We live in the modern world, and the tests which God throws at human now are much different than back in biblical times.  We must do every thing we do to the glory of God, and that also means doing our best.  Stress does come our way, some people are more prone to it than others, but this is a "test," and God wants us to realize Him through these tests. 
  Tests can be used to either pull us away from God, or help us grow closer.  The decision is really up to the individual.

 Choosing God is not choosing weakness; it is choosing truth, love, and strength.  Samson had his strength because he was gifted it from GOD.

"Hard work has a future payoff; Laziness pays off now."

Monday, August 6, 2012

Nifty Heartburn Relief.

  Not a fan of pain? Me either!
  Heartburn was something I possessed; yes, even at a younger age.  Heartburn is a symptom; so, I had it because of the foods I ate, and even because I lacked something in my diet. 
  Going down to Alabama was a fun trip, but every time I went, I would have to mooch TUMS off my grandpa; he, of course, willingly gave them to me.  I was so used to heartburn, I could look at any food and tell you if it would give me this nasty symptom or not.  I absolutely HATED heartburn.
   Then, about five months ago, I started a "diet;" more of just eating healthier and working out every day.  Apples were not my most favorite fruit, but after I found the kind I now cannot get enough of (Gala Apples), my heartburn seemed to disappear. 
  So next time your esophagus starts to burn, and you wish you could pour ice down your thought, try an apple.  Apples are not only good for getting rid of heartburn, but they are also one of the healthiest foods you can eat: "An apple a day keeps the doctor away!"

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Like a Bird; Fly Away.

  Every daddy is attached to his daughter, and does not want to watch them grow up.  Sometimes, even I do not want to grow up; but growing up is only a step closer to finding your way in life.
  Lately, I have changed my mindset; trying to become more positive is not always easy.  "You are your best worse enemy," are the words of a very wise man whom I know.  Every time I get discouraged, I run words through my head repetitively which help encourage me, and I am able to complete the task I once thought I could not do.  "You can do it." "You will get this." These words may sometimes trick one into thinking you are selfish, prideful, or over-confident.  What I have found is these words can help you reach a new level, and can help change a person for the better.
I play volleyball.  I, as an athlete, know people become increasingly better in their, until they hit a wall where they believe that they may no longer become increasingly better.  I thought I had hit this wall, until I changed my mindset from you are not good enough, to you can do anything you believe you can do.  Overcoming the stuck mindset has improved me in more areas than just this one.
  If you change your mindset, you can change your world.  I had not realized how true this quote was, until I tried it, and it worked.  I do believe, with the help of my God, I can become better, and only better, because I WILL NOT allow myself to become worse.  I will not walk back down a hill I have already traveled:for, I wish to see only new sights, enabling me to learn only more.

  What does growing up and a positive mindset have in common? Well, if you make these two things have something in common, it will improve your world.  As you grow older, desire to become wiser and more positive, in order to understand and become the person you are meant to be.