Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Never be Afraid to do More.

  "Jump higher!" a volleyball teammate said to the other.
  "I am so tired, and it is just too much work!" the out of breath player stated.

  Many people do not want to work hard, when every thing good in life is earned with hard work; they just expected to be handed what they want.  This, in out modern-time government, is very true, but in the end, laziness WILL NOT pay off.
  "Do not ask God for and easy life, ask him for strength to endure a hard one."  In the bible, all the important and successful people God used for his purpose were put through tests they had to overcome.  Mary, the mother of Jesus, had to overcome so many people believing her child was illegitimate.  Samson had to overcome his life-ending choice, but he ended his life in a Godly way.  Paul overcame his anti-Christian lifestyle, and was arguably one of the best disciples, ever.  These God-followers accomplished a lot, but it was only possible through hard work, which they were willing to endure the physical and spiritual pain along with it.
  The stories above seem to have nothing to do with a sport, but they very much do.  We live in the modern world, and the tests which God throws at human now are much different than back in biblical times.  We must do every thing we do to the glory of God, and that also means doing our best.  Stress does come our way, some people are more prone to it than others, but this is a "test," and God wants us to realize Him through these tests. 
  Tests can be used to either pull us away from God, or help us grow closer.  The decision is really up to the individual.

 Choosing God is not choosing weakness; it is choosing truth, love, and strength.  Samson had his strength because he was gifted it from GOD.

"Hard work has a future payoff; Laziness pays off now."

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Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.