Thursday, July 26, 2012

Chill Out, Mrs. Up-Tight.

   All these situations are only theoretical.

  A grandmother talking "baby talk" to a class full of six year old kindergarteners.
  A adult woman yelling and screaming at the same class of kindergarteners when they "act up."
  Now I don't mean to sound liberal, but this is not what should be going on in a Christian atmosphere. 

  Children are children: they are not mature, they think minor things silly are scary, they love attention, and most of all, they will be rambunctious. Although these six year olds are no where near as mature as a sixteen year old, they are mature enough to not be talked to like a bunch of babies. In fact, a particular two year old child's mother speaks to this two year old normally, with NO "baby talk."  This is practical and, even in the smallest bit, helps in child development.
  Every adult knows that a six year old will have a rambunctious spell during the day, so why yell at them?  This is another thing that "gets under my skin."  What does yelling accomplish? Well, I am not even the child getting in trouble, and it accomplished me no longer liking you.  There is a way to exercise an adults authority over children without yelling at them. Again, speaking in a "inside voice" and not in "baby talk" can help a child develop faster and properly.

  When has anger ever accomplished something? Showing anger is not Christian-like; I know calling someone out on it may make me seem to be a "hypocrite," but I am a teenager, and adults have no excuse. I know adults are not perfect (teenagers are FAR from it), but God created adults to be an example to the younger children. And screaming adults will only lead to these children maturing into a screaming adult; only supplying the devil with happiness.
Refrain from anger and turn from wrath; do not fret--it leads only to evil. Psalm 37:8
Besides, all your anger (I can tell you had it from your screaming, and your VIBE) has only caused me to stress out.  It is starting to effect me, which is kinda annoying. Actually a lot annoying. But I'll pray for you.

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Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.