Sunday, July 22, 2012

Guns kill People.

   "Guns kill people."
   There are TONS of logical mistakes in this sentence. 
   First of all, if a gun does not have a firing pin, a bullet, or any of the necessities for a gun to fire, it will not kill someone, unless, of course, you whack someone with it.
   Second, a gun CANNOT fire without the safety being manually turned off, and the trigger being pulled back.
   Now that this common misconception is well explained, you may see why so many Pro-gun people are vexed at the mention of the quotation above. 
   I am not much of a "political" person, but I do believe that unalienable rights should remain unalienable. Laws keep honest people honest (those who are not honest to the laws are currently in jail or on probation).  If guns were outlawed, per say, these gun laws would not just take away the rights of those who are honest, but also put them in even more danger; for, criminals break laws, and this law would not be an exception.  If this is not scary to you, reader, then you must begin to read and understand the obvious truths and warning signs which are amongst us today.  The end of the world is coming, and it will not wait for a slow runner.

   "Food causes people to become obese."
   "Water drowns people."
    Right about now your mouth is probably emitting that "Huh?" noise. Yes, indeed, if guns do kill people, then food is the reason why so many people are fat, and water is the reason why many children and adult die every year from drowning.
   HA! My sarcasm is showing again.  
   Of course food does not cause someone to become obese.  The obese person makes a choice to either eat the food or not.  I would always ask my father how to loose weight.  "The best way to loose weight is to push away from the table," my father would say as making a pushing motion in front of the table. And water does not drown people, humans who are not good swimmers drown.  Don't you know not to put hamsters in water? Why? Oh, because they SUCK at swimming.
   Choices are what lead people. A gun is just a tool to kill, just as food is the tool to either become healthy or become obese.

   Besides, there are many great ways people can use guns, such as hunting.  But that conversation can be saved for another time.

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Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.