Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Insert 'attention getter' title here.

  Now that I have your attention.
  "Pride and Prejudice."
  This title belongs to a book (by Jane Austen) and a movie (which was based of the book by Jane Austen). 

  It was a summer day, sometime last year.  I was over at a friend's lake house for a volleyball party.  Of course, since it was a volleyball party, my ten+ other teammates were also there.  We spent the day out on the lake, getting knocked out of tubes, and learning how to wake board.
  After dinner and a few rounds of sardines (a type of hide-and-go-seek), our Coach asks us if we would like to watch a movie; knowing girls, a sleepover is NOT complete until a chick-flick has been watched.  So, Coach names a few movies she brought while suggesting the movie Pride and Prejudice.  One of my teammates shakes her head and states that she dislikes the movie; but as for the majority of us, we have never seen the movie. We decided to watch it.
  We all scurry into the movie room to get a good seat (on the contrary, they are all good seats, for there are eight recliners facing one wall-length screen). Soon enough we are watching the movie Coach suggested.  Throughout the movie, I look back and find many of the girls sleeping, but five of us, including Coach, are awake until one in the morning watching this movie.
  Whoever stated this movie was not good was wrong.  Naturally, males would not like a movie like this because there "was not action" in it, but for us girls, it satisfied our romantic emotions. 

  Every time I watch this movie, I pray to God some day I will find a man as honest and as loving as the man in the movie. The love portrayed in this movie was pure, and not of the view many have of love now-a-days. When I read this verse, this movie came to my mind as a perfect example of what love should look like.
Hebrews 13:4 Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral.
  I do recommend this movie for every one, even for the male sex.  It is a perfect example of why God created Eros.  
  In Greek, there are more than one word for the English word "love."  The first, as stated above, is ErosEros is a passionate love between a man and a woman, and should end in marriage and a building family.  The second is Philia (yes, as in Philadelphia).  Philadelphia is the city of brotherly love, it is not? Well, Philia is a brotherly/friendly type of love (a love "without physical attraction").  The third type is AgapeAgape is the best type of love; an unconditional love; the love of a mother and daughter, or father and son.  But, most of all, it is the love of the Lord.

  After reading Mark 12:25, I wondered why there are "nuns" in the world. I know it can be because that is God's calling for them; but when I look to myself, I can never see me a nun.
Mark 12:25 When the dead rise, they will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.
 Being a nun is like being a catholic priest: they vow to be "single," and instead of marrying a human, they marry the church.  I am not belittling nuns, for their jobs are very important; I am saying I could never be one.  I know, once I die, I will be overwhelmed by the agape love of my creator, there will be no room for any other.  As a human, I do wish to experience the Eros love God has given me to exercise, BUT only in the way he has created: meaning a pure and Godly love as described in the bible, and portrayed in Pride and Prejudice.  
  As with everything else, God gave us love in order to show others Christ through ourselves.  Every thing God has created CAN BE used in a Godly way, and for God's overall purpose.  It is a shame to see all the ways love, and not just love, have been contorted and perverted into something of the "modern" world. Satan's world.

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Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.