Friday, December 7, 2012

Speak Up. Speak Out.

Why do we as Christians need to give a reason for our beliefs?

Writing research papers are never fun; some decided to pull an “all-nighter” to get the job done as close to the due date as possible.  The reason why research papers must require large amounts of time dedication is because the conclusion the author is reaching requires proof; truth.  In order for Christians to make the faith their own, they must search for proof, not just to defend their faith against others, but for them to become steadfast in their own beliefs. Do not treat prophecies with contempt, but test everything; hold fast what is good." 1 Thessalonians 5:20-21
Christians are instructed by the Lord to give a reason for their beliefs; explain to others why they believe what we believe, with love and compassion.  “But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.” 1 Peter 3:15  Many Christians force their beliefs on others, and, when defending their faith, are rude and lack the compassionate character which is mandatory when sharing the faith; the character of a Christian sharing their faith can possibly “scare” others away from the faith.  God puts the words “gentleness and respect” in this verse for a reason.  Jesus was gentle and respected others, and that is how he won so many hearts over; his attitude was part of his mission.
Reasons for beliefs do not just help one share the faith, but also keep it.  After a couple weeks in Mr. Duffy’s apologetics class, I can see my faith, already, becoming stronger.  The sad truth is many American-made teenage Christians lose their faith upon entering a liberal college; they do not know how to answer these seemingly hard question about their faith, when, in reality, these “hard” questions are nothing more than a simple answer.  One of the main reasons I decided to attend these classes is because I do not want to be apart of the large percentage of those who “lose their faith.” 
I never really had a reason for my beliefs; to be honest, my reason was because it was the only thing I knew, growing up in a Christian household, and knowing nothing but Christian values.  But, learning these reasons why we believe certain things is helping me become closer to God, and grabbing more of my attention, consequently making me more interested.  We need to give reasons to prove to ourselves, and to others, Christianity is truth.

Interested in Christianity? Visit my mission trip blog to see what my senior class has been doing and is doing to be ready for our mission trip SOON! 

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Any Alernatives for the Helpless Citizens?

Every week, in the life of Elizabeth, she must write a Bible journal on the topic the teacher gives her. This week's topic is in bold. She thought this paper was so good, she JUST had to share it!
For all those who DON'T believe in the bible, I will just have to save that post for another time! Thank God for APOLOGETICS class!
What is your opinion on the fact that Medicare (Obamacare) endorses pro-abortion and that you are required to give money even if you are morally against it?

People commit sins every day, and sometimes knowing their sin is a sin does not stop them from doing so.  The current federal American government has too much control over its people, when the state should be in more control; but politics is not the subject of this paper.  Pro-choice, pro-abortion, pro-death, whatever you call it, is wrong, and requiring people to do things against their morals is also wrong; but we still do it.
The first step in proving abortion wrong is proving abortion is killing, murdering.  If asked, every sane person will reply "yes" to the following question: "Was it wrong for Hitler to murder the Jews and other human beings during the Holocaust?"  Every person is born with a "moral meter," Christian or not.  Possible responses from the question "Is abortion murder?" are as follows: "A fetus is not a human until its first breath," "Since a fetus is not technically a human, abortion is not technically murder."  There are many unclear definitions of when life begins and when life ends.  To be alive, in human terms, is to possess a spirit in a body.  "A body without a spirit was dead; a spirit without a body was incomplete.  There was never one without the other, and they rightly belonged together." (JPH)  One comes to life when God breathed life into him (Genesis 2:7); many believe this verse only pertains to Adam and Eve, since a fetus cannot "breathe," but when God breathed life into Adam, he breathed a spirit into a human body, giving him life.  On the contrary, death is also a very trivial matter that God makes clear; to be absent from the body is to be with the Lord (2 Corinthians 5:6-8; Philippians 1:23).  This clears the definition of life and death, but the actual time when life and death happens is still trivial to the outside human; only God can know the exact time of start and end.
Many people twist the words in the Bible to accompany their beliefs and morals.  Hosea 9:14 states: "Give them, Lord—what will you give them? Give them wombs that miscarry and breasts that are dry."  When reading in context, the reader must look to the verses before and after to understand exactly what the Bible is trying to communicate.  If read is continued to Hosea 9:15-16, the reader will read: "I will drive them from my land because of their evil actions.  I will love them no more because all their leaders are rebels. The people of Israel are struck down. Their roots are dried up, and they will bear no more fruit.  And if they give birth, I will slaughter their beloved children."  In our modern time period, with 93% of abortions being out of pregnancy inconveniences, being pregnant and the actual baby is a punishment;  many women go through abortions to have their burden released.  In the context of Hosea, God is causing miscarriages out of a punishment, referring to the babies as "beloved children."  In modern context, the lift of a burden is, in Hosea context, a punishment.  The use of Exodus 21:22-25 may also be used as a "proof" God condones abortions.  Some translations of the bible may interchangeable use the word "miscarriages" and "premature" birth; this is wrong.  In the New King James Version and the New International Version, there is no mention of the child in the womb being miscarried.  When verse twenty-thee states, "But if any harm follows. . ." it is referring to the fetus, baby.  " . . . give life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot,  burn for burn, wound for wound, stripe for stripe."
There are many solutions to giving birth to an unwanted baby; what is the point in killing the child anyways?  A good point brought up in a bible class is as follows: "adoptions can lead to abusing family situations."  Although this may be true, there is a percentage of chance the child will end up in a good home.  But, if the child is killed in the womb, there is a 0% chance of the child being adopted into a good home.  Hitler declared Jews as non-humans through his murderous ways; pro-choice calls babies the same thing: non-human.
Many of the government's policies and ways of governing are wrong, such as stealing from the wealthy and giving it to those "less fortunate," those too lazy to work.  Being required to do something, even though it goes against our moral principles, is still wrong.   In order to change tis we must be the chage we wish to seek in the world.  This is what God calls Christians to do. "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will." (1 John 2:15) “But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people; that you should show forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.” (1 Peter 2:9)
There are those who are pro-life, those who are pro-choice, and those who wish their mothers had been pro-choice because of how much their life sucks.  But why kill a child before they have had the chance to do their part and change the world.  Sadly, many people could care less for the people around them, including themselves.  Remember: Every pro-choice human was born.

JPH. "Abortion and the Bible." Tekton. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Nov. 2012. .

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Senior Year Drag.

  Start of something new? Yes, it takes time to get used to.  I enjoy change very much, but the start of high stress and tough workload do not always begin well for me.  It takes me plenty of time to get used to the new groove of things.
  College is not far away, and I am trying to ready myself for a big change in life.  Sometimes it is hard for me to realize that I am growing up.  Just yesterday, I concluded I hate senior year because it is so different from Junior year; a lot of my friends check out before lunch, leaving very few of my friends to hang out with me at lunch = I miss my friends eating lunch with me.  Senior year is very different, but I am very glad it is preparing me for my future life.

Sorry for not posting yesterday! I have been so busy lately!

Monday, August 13, 2012

How to look HOT after summer.

  Summer is about over, especially for me.  
  School is in.  And that means there is no more "hot body" showing, for all time is now dedicated to school.  But there is one question most girls ask after the summer season: How can I look hot with clothes on?
  The answer is EASY.
  Makeup and hairspray ARE NOT the answer. What people look like on the outside of their bodies does not always correspond with what is on the inside of their souls.  The girl you are falling "in love" with, or the cute boy you cannot seem to get your mind off of may have the dirtiest soul.  The outside is not what matters, the inside is.
  Aside from that, a good way to have a great year is to be confident, not proud, and positive, not negative.  Every one looks better when they wear a smile, and a positive environment always is more beneficial then a negative one.

  When a senior year begins, the excitement and anxiety can build up; I would know.  Life consists of filling out college applications, scholarships applications, doing well in high school, and trying to win states for volleyball.  The stress and anxiety can take a toll on almost anyone, especially a high school senior.  Worrying is something most people are good at, I am not an exception.  It does get very hard, sometimes, to remember to give the worries over to God and trust in his plan.  

The seed that fell among thorns stands for those who hear, but as they go on their way they are choked by life’s worries, riches and pleasures, and they do not mature. Luke 8:14
“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? Matthew 6:25-27
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matthew 6:34

Worrying accomplishes nothing; although I am very aware of this, I still fall into this detrimental habit many a time.  The best way to stop from worrying is to pray to God, and ask him to help you will your worries. Life is full of worries, but they are what we must overcome.

You cannot control anyone but yourself.  Control what you can control, and leave the rest to God.  Trusting Him is the best idea you will ever have.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

UnHealthy, But SOOO Good.

  Lately I have been all about healthy foods, but this select recipe is to DIE FOR.  I paused my diet in order to munch down on this dip.
  Where did I find it, surfing pinterest, of course! 

  This dip is infused with snickers candies, and once you chill it over night (or just 3-4 hours) all the flavors will have mixed, and it will be even more rich than when you made it!  
  What to dip in it? Well, for Father's Day this past year, this is what my sister and I gave to my dad, with "Happy Fathers Day" homemade flags stuck in mini-snickers candies.  We looked through the pantry to find something that would go good with this dessert.  We found 'Nilla Wafers, and little sugar cookies go great with this dip; but my personal favorite is pretzels with the snickers dip.  
  Sometimes is it better to not make it at all than to make it. This is a dessert that can tempt almost anyone out of their skinny body!

  Ingredients for a Full-Sized Snickers Dip (If you want a smaller batch, just half ingredients):

* 2 (8 ounce) packages of cream cheese, softened
* 1 (8 ounce) Cool Whip
* 1/4 cup brown sugar
* 6 Snickers bars, chopped

Adding whipped topping and some shredded chocolate on the top (like in the picture) adds more attractive-ness to the appearance, as if the smell is not enough to entice you!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Never be Afraid to do More.

  "Jump higher!" a volleyball teammate said to the other.
  "I am so tired, and it is just too much work!" the out of breath player stated.

  Many people do not want to work hard, when every thing good in life is earned with hard work; they just expected to be handed what they want.  This, in out modern-time government, is very true, but in the end, laziness WILL NOT pay off.
  "Do not ask God for and easy life, ask him for strength to endure a hard one."  In the bible, all the important and successful people God used for his purpose were put through tests they had to overcome.  Mary, the mother of Jesus, had to overcome so many people believing her child was illegitimate.  Samson had to overcome his life-ending choice, but he ended his life in a Godly way.  Paul overcame his anti-Christian lifestyle, and was arguably one of the best disciples, ever.  These God-followers accomplished a lot, but it was only possible through hard work, which they were willing to endure the physical and spiritual pain along with it.
  The stories above seem to have nothing to do with a sport, but they very much do.  We live in the modern world, and the tests which God throws at human now are much different than back in biblical times.  We must do every thing we do to the glory of God, and that also means doing our best.  Stress does come our way, some people are more prone to it than others, but this is a "test," and God wants us to realize Him through these tests. 
  Tests can be used to either pull us away from God, or help us grow closer.  The decision is really up to the individual.

 Choosing God is not choosing weakness; it is choosing truth, love, and strength.  Samson had his strength because he was gifted it from GOD.

"Hard work has a future payoff; Laziness pays off now."

Monday, August 6, 2012

Nifty Heartburn Relief.

  Not a fan of pain? Me either!
  Heartburn was something I possessed; yes, even at a younger age.  Heartburn is a symptom; so, I had it because of the foods I ate, and even because I lacked something in my diet. 
  Going down to Alabama was a fun trip, but every time I went, I would have to mooch TUMS off my grandpa; he, of course, willingly gave them to me.  I was so used to heartburn, I could look at any food and tell you if it would give me this nasty symptom or not.  I absolutely HATED heartburn.
   Then, about five months ago, I started a "diet;" more of just eating healthier and working out every day.  Apples were not my most favorite fruit, but after I found the kind I now cannot get enough of (Gala Apples), my heartburn seemed to disappear. 
  So next time your esophagus starts to burn, and you wish you could pour ice down your thought, try an apple.  Apples are not only good for getting rid of heartburn, but they are also one of the healthiest foods you can eat: "An apple a day keeps the doctor away!"

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Like a Bird; Fly Away.

  Every daddy is attached to his daughter, and does not want to watch them grow up.  Sometimes, even I do not want to grow up; but growing up is only a step closer to finding your way in life.
  Lately, I have changed my mindset; trying to become more positive is not always easy.  "You are your best worse enemy," are the words of a very wise man whom I know.  Every time I get discouraged, I run words through my head repetitively which help encourage me, and I am able to complete the task I once thought I could not do.  "You can do it." "You will get this." These words may sometimes trick one into thinking you are selfish, prideful, or over-confident.  What I have found is these words can help you reach a new level, and can help change a person for the better.
I play volleyball.  I, as an athlete, know people become increasingly better in their, until they hit a wall where they believe that they may no longer become increasingly better.  I thought I had hit this wall, until I changed my mindset from you are not good enough, to you can do anything you believe you can do.  Overcoming the stuck mindset has improved me in more areas than just this one.
  If you change your mindset, you can change your world.  I had not realized how true this quote was, until I tried it, and it worked.  I do believe, with the help of my God, I can become better, and only better, because I WILL NOT allow myself to become worse.  I will not walk back down a hill I have already traveled:for, I wish to see only new sights, enabling me to learn only more.

  What does growing up and a positive mindset have in common? Well, if you make these two things have something in common, it will improve your world.  As you grow older, desire to become wiser and more positive, in order to understand and become the person you are meant to be. 

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Insert 'attention getter' title here.

  Now that I have your attention.
  "Pride and Prejudice."
  This title belongs to a book (by Jane Austen) and a movie (which was based of the book by Jane Austen). 

  It was a summer day, sometime last year.  I was over at a friend's lake house for a volleyball party.  Of course, since it was a volleyball party, my ten+ other teammates were also there.  We spent the day out on the lake, getting knocked out of tubes, and learning how to wake board.
  After dinner and a few rounds of sardines (a type of hide-and-go-seek), our Coach asks us if we would like to watch a movie; knowing girls, a sleepover is NOT complete until a chick-flick has been watched.  So, Coach names a few movies she brought while suggesting the movie Pride and Prejudice.  One of my teammates shakes her head and states that she dislikes the movie; but as for the majority of us, we have never seen the movie. We decided to watch it.
  We all scurry into the movie room to get a good seat (on the contrary, they are all good seats, for there are eight recliners facing one wall-length screen). Soon enough we are watching the movie Coach suggested.  Throughout the movie, I look back and find many of the girls sleeping, but five of us, including Coach, are awake until one in the morning watching this movie.
  Whoever stated this movie was not good was wrong.  Naturally, males would not like a movie like this because there "was not action" in it, but for us girls, it satisfied our romantic emotions. 

  Every time I watch this movie, I pray to God some day I will find a man as honest and as loving as the man in the movie. The love portrayed in this movie was pure, and not of the view many have of love now-a-days. When I read this verse, this movie came to my mind as a perfect example of what love should look like.
Hebrews 13:4 Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral.
  I do recommend this movie for every one, even for the male sex.  It is a perfect example of why God created Eros.  
  In Greek, there are more than one word for the English word "love."  The first, as stated above, is ErosEros is a passionate love between a man and a woman, and should end in marriage and a building family.  The second is Philia (yes, as in Philadelphia).  Philadelphia is the city of brotherly love, it is not? Well, Philia is a brotherly/friendly type of love (a love "without physical attraction").  The third type is AgapeAgape is the best type of love; an unconditional love; the love of a mother and daughter, or father and son.  But, most of all, it is the love of the Lord.

  After reading Mark 12:25, I wondered why there are "nuns" in the world. I know it can be because that is God's calling for them; but when I look to myself, I can never see me a nun.
Mark 12:25 When the dead rise, they will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.
 Being a nun is like being a catholic priest: they vow to be "single," and instead of marrying a human, they marry the church.  I am not belittling nuns, for their jobs are very important; I am saying I could never be one.  I know, once I die, I will be overwhelmed by the agape love of my creator, there will be no room for any other.  As a human, I do wish to experience the Eros love God has given me to exercise, BUT only in the way he has created: meaning a pure and Godly love as described in the bible, and portrayed in Pride and Prejudice.  
  As with everything else, God gave us love in order to show others Christ through ourselves.  Every thing God has created CAN BE used in a Godly way, and for God's overall purpose.  It is a shame to see all the ways love, and not just love, have been contorted and perverted into something of the "modern" world. Satan's world.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Slave to Money then you Die.

   The modern world has upgraded from trading items to trading money for items.  Money is something you cannot live without; it is everywhere.  
  But just like anything else, money can become an idol; a sin. (I'm not only talking about money, but every materialistic thing.)
  People can be so obsessed with their material possessions, and begin to forget their virtues. Material objects, if worshiped, can also bring someone to be very selfish. 
"What do you want?" She jokingly asks her uncle.
"A million dollars," is his reply.
  Of course, "a million dollars" is just a joke; but after it is constantly repeated, it gets quite annoying, and can also show one a few characteristics of the one who is saying it.

  What God has given us is his; he has given it to us for a specific purpose: to help spread his good news.  When we turn on the television, we can see how God's word is NOT being spread; there are many commercials promoting the exact opposite of God: sin.  Influences like these train minds to be selfish, and rely on money as a source of life. 
   God is the only source of life.  And when you worry about money, you are essentially telling Christ you don't have faith in his promises.  He promised me hope and a future; he promised me all hardships will never be to hard for me to conquer. 
Live life to the fullest, and follow Christ in his footsteps; after all you only live once, do it the right way.


“The things you own end up owning you. It's only after you lose everything that you're free to do anything.”
― Chuck Palahniuk

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Chill Out, Mrs. Up-Tight.

   All these situations are only theoretical.

  A grandmother talking "baby talk" to a class full of six year old kindergarteners.
  A adult woman yelling and screaming at the same class of kindergarteners when they "act up."
  Now I don't mean to sound liberal, but this is not what should be going on in a Christian atmosphere. 

  Children are children: they are not mature, they think minor things silly are scary, they love attention, and most of all, they will be rambunctious. Although these six year olds are no where near as mature as a sixteen year old, they are mature enough to not be talked to like a bunch of babies. In fact, a particular two year old child's mother speaks to this two year old normally, with NO "baby talk."  This is practical and, even in the smallest bit, helps in child development.
  Every adult knows that a six year old will have a rambunctious spell during the day, so why yell at them?  This is another thing that "gets under my skin."  What does yelling accomplish? Well, I am not even the child getting in trouble, and it accomplished me no longer liking you.  There is a way to exercise an adults authority over children without yelling at them. Again, speaking in a "inside voice" and not in "baby talk" can help a child develop faster and properly.

  When has anger ever accomplished something? Showing anger is not Christian-like; I know calling someone out on it may make me seem to be a "hypocrite," but I am a teenager, and adults have no excuse. I know adults are not perfect (teenagers are FAR from it), but God created adults to be an example to the younger children. And screaming adults will only lead to these children maturing into a screaming adult; only supplying the devil with happiness.
Refrain from anger and turn from wrath; do not fret--it leads only to evil. Psalm 37:8
Besides, all your anger (I can tell you had it from your screaming, and your VIBE) has only caused me to stress out.  It is starting to effect me, which is kinda annoying. Actually a lot annoying. But I'll pray for you.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

SonRise Mission.

  As a Christian, I do want to continue to spread the word.  Missions do not have to take place in faraway lands; they can take place in "your own backyard." Participating in a vacation bible school has been added to my most recent list of volunteer work.
   My cousin, Mackenzie, works every Sunday at her church, watching children while trying to be a positive influence of them.  My aunt (her mom), calls it "birth control." Mackenzie has said, many-a-time, that she knows she does not want children; watching over children each Sunday makes this "birth control" strong and effective.
  For me, I decided to assist a kindergarten class; and my decision ruled successful.  These kids could be playful and funny, but they also would sit down, listen and absorb the information from the bible story. 
   Watching and helping these children may seem easy, but it does suck the energy from you. Above this, I have thoroughly enjoyed it.  During vacation bible school, I do not necessarily learn from the bible stories (for, I already know them), but I did learn from the children. Their enthusiasm for Jesus was overwhelming to watch; what love they have for Jesus! They just believe!  While watching these children, a bible verse came to my mind.
Luke 18:17; Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.”
This verse makes much sense.  The children whom I spent my days with believed almost anything that come from my mouth, even if I was just joking. This is why children accept Jesus a lot easier than adults do.  There is something different about a child's faith and an adult's faith; but there is a way to believe in Jesus the way a child does. And that is: JUST BELIEVE.  Don't add all this complicated stuff to it.  A child's mind does not analyze as easily as a more matured mind does.  Jesus loves children.  And children just believe.

Matthew 18:3; And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Skinny, Healthy, and Happy, OH MY!

     Fat: almost everyone hates it; many would like to get rid of it; and few people do not have it. 
   Fact is, too much body fat may make a person feel trapped inside their own body.
   In the spring of 2012 (April), I realized my friend was slimming down, and I envied this. I ask her for a copy of her diet plan; I looked at it and tried it for a week. Then, I made my own.
   I started eating healthier, cutting down on my carbohydrate intake, and stepping up my work outs.  I started off my running almost everyday; and, once I read that running can burn muscle, I decided to try a new workout.  I went on Youtube and started the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred: level one, level two, and level three.  I soon found out that this 20-minute-a-day workout may seem to be easy, because of the amount of time spent on it, but this challenging workout comes with results.
   Within the first month of my "diet" plan, I had lost ten pounds and two bra sizes; even during school, I could tell my body was shrinking by the increasing amount of pant fabric I could pull from my abdomen.  I enjoyed these small results; but, my goal is to loose all belly fat and highlight my six pack.

  Loosing weight can be hard at times, but with the help of this "diet," my self-discipline has increased.  It has become easier for me to push away from foods which tempt me so much, some foods which used to tempt me, no longer hold that place.
   I have found that exercise and eating healthy can be a good obsession.  God gave us food in order to live and survive.  People who constantly overdo food are making God an idol, whether the realize it or not.  Sure, people can idolize "loosing weight," but the act of loosing weight can bring you closer to God.  Through loosing weight, God has shown me some strengths I never though I had.

Don't dig your grave with your own knife and fork. 

Your stomach shouldn't be a waist basket.

 More die in the United States of too much food than of too little.  ~John Kenneth Galbraith, The Affluent Society

One should eat to live, not live to eat.  ~Cicero, Rhetoricorum LV

 When friends tell you how awesome you look, drop the "I still have more to go" crap.  You worked hard and you deserve the compliment!  ~Jillian Michaels

The one way to get thin is to re-establish a purpose in life.  ~Cyril Connolly, The Unquiet Grave


Sunday, July 22, 2012

Guns kill People.

   "Guns kill people."
   There are TONS of logical mistakes in this sentence. 
   First of all, if a gun does not have a firing pin, a bullet, or any of the necessities for a gun to fire, it will not kill someone, unless, of course, you whack someone with it.
   Second, a gun CANNOT fire without the safety being manually turned off, and the trigger being pulled back.
   Now that this common misconception is well explained, you may see why so many Pro-gun people are vexed at the mention of the quotation above. 
   I am not much of a "political" person, but I do believe that unalienable rights should remain unalienable. Laws keep honest people honest (those who are not honest to the laws are currently in jail or on probation).  If guns were outlawed, per say, these gun laws would not just take away the rights of those who are honest, but also put them in even more danger; for, criminals break laws, and this law would not be an exception.  If this is not scary to you, reader, then you must begin to read and understand the obvious truths and warning signs which are amongst us today.  The end of the world is coming, and it will not wait for a slow runner.

   "Food causes people to become obese."
   "Water drowns people."
    Right about now your mouth is probably emitting that "Huh?" noise. Yes, indeed, if guns do kill people, then food is the reason why so many people are fat, and water is the reason why many children and adult die every year from drowning.
   HA! My sarcasm is showing again.  
   Of course food does not cause someone to become obese.  The obese person makes a choice to either eat the food or not.  I would always ask my father how to loose weight.  "The best way to loose weight is to push away from the table," my father would say as making a pushing motion in front of the table. And water does not drown people, humans who are not good swimmers drown.  Don't you know not to put hamsters in water? Why? Oh, because they SUCK at swimming.
   Choices are what lead people. A gun is just a tool to kill, just as food is the tool to either become healthy or become obese.

   Besides, there are many great ways people can use guns, such as hunting.  But that conversation can be saved for another time.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Saving lives? Or saving your own selfish life?

 I know a huge controversial subject is that of abortion.  Many who support "Pro-Choice" get very defensive when this subject is brought up; but so do those who support "Pro-Life." Many say that it is better to believe in the wrong thing than not to believe in anything at all.  In this case, it is better to not believe in anything at all. 

  There are thousands of scenarios that lead to mothers wanting to get rid of their child; whether it be sixteen and pregnant, or a mother who just does not want to have another child, there are also thousands of ways to "get rid" of the child while avoiding death/murder, or abortion.  In the beginning, God set rules that, in turn, would avoid unwanted pregnancies: staying pure till marriage, and then planning a family; the way God intended it to be.  Many believe that the mother is the one who got pregnant, so it is her choice to abort the baby (or whatever you call the theoretically living thing inside a woman's womb); and, unfortunately, the baby has no say in what the mother decides to do.

  There is a reason for everything, even though you may not think it now. I'm sure if those who support "Pro-Choice" were to look at abortions like the picture below depicts, we would all have a different view. 

 There could be many other accomplishments that these aborted babies could have accomplished. But since they are gone and NEVER to return, since they were never even given a chance, we will never know what this world could have been with them.

Of course, I cannot change one's opinion, and I certainly cannot change the world's mind, for I am only one person! But truth is truth. No one can change the truth, because if they could, then it would not be truth to begin with.  Truth cannot be altered from mind to mind, heart to heart.  Truth stays the same, God stays the same.  If He were as bipolar as some people are, then we would not have someone reliable to put our hopes in.  God said murder is a sin; it has not changed since he stated that.  Life start before the baby is born, and there is plenty of evidence for support-- they have emotions just like us humans do outside of the womb. 

In the end, only God knows when life starts. But are you willing to take that chance and be accountable for that baby's life.  Because once you kill that baby, it no longer belongs to you, it belongs to God.

They cry out and ask why; and, is it worth it?